Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Conspiracy Theory in Unity High School?

If surveyed, the world's most popular name would be Muhammad, I'm certain.
The most recent "one" to be named was a teddy bear, in Khartoum, Sudan, of all the places. Don't fret, the decision has been arrived at in the most democratic fashion one could imagine; by voting.

23 students decided the teddy bear should be named Muhammad. Not Ali, not Bobby, but Muhammad. Their teacher, however, one Ms Gibbons, was taken into custody by the Sudanese authorities and jailed. According to State media she could be charged with blasphemy. Serious charge indeed! Interestingly enough, the complainers were the parents who brought their grievance to the Ministry of Education.

Now, I have two questions?
1- Was the Ministry of Education hibernating back in the day when we had "Taha Al-Qurashi" series? For those of you who do not know who Taha Al-Qurashi is, he is the Prophet Mohammed (PBUH) and the series, though not referring to the protagonist as the Prophet, but a regular student who kept getting diarrhea and getting admitted to hospital. *All I could remember*
2- What's the sudden interest in school activities by parents and State alike?

I guess they have exposed themselves to one of my favourite articles by Fareed Zakaria, "The Rise of Illiberal Democracy".


Muaz Ataalsid said...

Many Sudanese people are the daily victims of extremist mentality that led to the imprisonment of Gibbons. The regime encourages this line of thought unfortunately. I and many Sudanese are displeased with what happened in The Sudan, and the matter could have been resolved amicably as it is a cultural misunderstanding. We strongly believe it was an innocent miscalculation from Ms. Gibbons side, and she been a non-muslim all doubt should have been accorded to her in utmost respect. Simply put Sudan has no place for extremism and fanaticism. It is a sad childish event that will be written in the history books against Sudan.

Muaz M. Ataalsid
Sudan.Net / SudanForum.Net

El-Gizuli said...

Muaz, am I not privileged to have you on my blog. Thanks for your visit and comment. I agree with what you said and hope the Sudanese public opinion in Sudan musters enough courage to produce a counter-wave to the extremist tohubohu.

P.S. I am a big fan of your discussion board and been posting there for ages now. Great work!