Monday, December 10, 2007

Panel Discussion on "Tolerance and Theocracy"

I know the weather isn't encouraging at all in NYC, but if you are interested in Iranian domestic politics, carpe diem !

Today, at

Kellogg Conference Center - 15th Floor School of International and Public Affairs Columbia University 420 West 118th Street

A panel of prominent scholars will hold this panel to inaugurate the newest issue "Religion and Statecraft". Among the speakers are Dr. Abdul-Kareem Soroush, the vociferous Iranian secular / religious reformer scholar. I admire his writings and staunchly believe that change is feasible through his vision.
Actually, he has been dubbed the Erasmus of Islam by the Finns

P.S. It seems that his webpage has been terminated for some reason. It contained a collection of his essays and excerpts from his books.

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