Saturday, July 14, 2007

World Trade Organization

Here I was browsing the 3Ws trying to get into the details of the workings of the World Trade Organization (WTO) and I stumbled on a number of both interesting and important links:

- For the organizational charter of the WTO organization, here is where you need to go.

- For a general insight into the WTO workings, the publication titled "Understanding the WTO" is very informative, but rather lengthy (116 pages). It could be downloaded as a pdf file in its entirety or, if you please, by chapter.

- For the benefits of WTO trading system, check the list of TEN points

- For the common misunderstandings of WTO, check this page

- And, if you're interested in interning with them, bear in mind that you've got to have an undergraduate degree and are already enrolled in a graduate programme for at least a year. Additional information is at this webpage

That's all folks!

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