Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Women are more law abiding than men

They are!

Sex tourism has been the impetus for those out there who would cross the oceans to reach far lands where members of the opposite, or the same, sex with their exotic features and tanned beautiful bodies would perform the wildest of their fantasies, albeit at times in sordid huts, for peanuts.

So far they were older white males who were the culprits of violating young girls and boys. The fad now is prevalent among women in their autumn years. Preferring to have "non-business like" fun with salubrious young Kenyan men in their 20s, these British women gaily call it "havin' fun" in lieu of "safe sex".

I don't know how anyone can find this to be harmless pleasure, but I think it is sickening to manipulate the deteriorating economic conditions of these Africa dudes, or dudettes, and especially by old sagging horny libertines.

The bright side is that all guys are NOT under the legal age. Two thumbs up, ladies! *disgusting*

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